Visitors protocol
People with symptoms associated with COVID-19 or who are diagnosed as positive COVID-19 should refrain from attending our center.
People who have been treated for COVID-19 and do not have a medical discharge along with a negative COVID-19 test cannot attend.
Rules within our facilities:
The use of a mask is mandatory during the entire stay.
Hands should be disinfected when entering and leaving with hydroalcoholic gel available at the entrance of the establishment.
The standard of distance of 2 meters between each person must be maintained.
Those attending religious services should come with their Mask, Kippah, Tallit, Tefillin and Prayer Book.
Tourists and Residents Abroad:
They will not be able to enter the facilities if they have not made a prior request and have received a confirmation based on the estimate of the available capacity. Said request should be sent to security@cjmadrid.org
To visit the synagogue or attend religious services, visitors should contact CJM in advance for access requirements.
It will be necessary to present the passport or identity document at the entrance of the community center and the synagogue.
People who do not comply with the provisions above will not be able to enter or remain in our facilities.
The institution's law enforcement service will support the control of these measures.