The Community

Origins and history
The Jewish Community of Madrid, since its foundation in 1917, is the main Jewish institution of the Autonomous Community of Madrid and one of the pillars of the development of Jewish life in contemporary Spain.
After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, a long historical hiatus opened during which the Jews could not live in Spain.
In the middle of the 19th century, the first Jewish families settled in Madrid, mostly from Western Europe.
With the outbreak of the First World War, many Jewish refugees temporarily settled in Madrid.
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The CJM today
The CJM offers services and organizes a wide range of religious, educational, social and cultural activities, covering the entire spectrum of the population that makes up our community: children, adolescents, youth, students, couples, adults and the elderly.
Guided by the principles of Halajá, the CJM is an open and plural institution that seeks to guarantee the continuity of the tradition and of the Jewish presence in Madrid. He is a member of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain and works in close cooperation with other Jewish communities and organizations present in our country.
The CJM responds to the needs and interests of the Jewish population of Madrid, through its institutions - Ibn Gabirol Study Center-Estrella Toledano College, Rabbinate and Department of Kashrut, Department of Youth and Social Affairs, Ezrá, Hebrá Kadishá, etc. - and a complete series of facilities - Community Center, Synagogues and oratories, Mikvé, library, etc.

Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure, promote and protect the knowledge and practice of Jewish values, religion and identity.
Defend, represent and promote the interests of the Community and its members, both individually and collectively.
Strengthen the identity and ties with the State of Israel, intensifying the study and dissemination of its political, social, cultural, economic and religious reality, as well as promoting Aliyah.
Promote harmonious coexistence with the whole society, through mutual respect and the dissemination of Jewish culture and tradition within local society.